Usages of the Portuguese Direct Object Pronouns.
The direct object pronouns in Portuguese are:
Portuguese English
me me
te you – singular and familiar
o you – masculine – singular and formal. It is also him and it.
a you – feminine – singular and formal. It is also her and it.
nos us
vos you – plural – masculine and feminine
os them – masculine
as them – feminine
Usage of the direct object pronouns in a sentence:
1. Pronouns replace the nouns in the sentence and they follow the verb in affirmative sentences.
Eu tenho um livro. Eu tenho-o.
I have a book. I have it.
Telefona-me quanto antes. Ela vai ter uma festa? Sim vai.
Eu telefonei-te ontem. Ela convidou-me à sua festa.
I called you yesterday. She invited me to her party.
2. If the question doesn’t begin with an interrogative word, the direct object pronouns will also follow the verb.
Ela perguntou-me pelos meus pais?
She asked me about my parents?
Tens o dinheiro? Sim tenho-o
Do you have the money? Yes, I do have it.
Encontraste a bolsa? Sim, encontrei-a.
DId you find the purse? Yes, I found it.
3. But when beginning a question with an interrogative word, the direct object will be placed before the verb. Study the example.
Eu vi os teus pais hoje. Onde os vistes?
I saw your parents today. Where did you see them?
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