Category Archives: Language Learning Tips

Learning to Speak Portuguese in the Azores

There are many successful paths to learning to speak Portuguese. You can sign up for a class, get a tutor, go it alone with a good workbook, or take an online program. These are all proven methods of study. But … Continue reading

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Choosing a Study Tour of the Azores: Ten Important Qualities

Learn to speak Portuguese in the Azores!  If you wish to study Portuguese abroad so you can learn and travel at the same time, you are on the right track. Attending an effective language course while immersed in the local … Continue reading

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Five Tips for Beginning Language Study

In today’s global market, being bilingual can put you ahead of the competition. The ability to express yourself in another language means you can communicate with a far wider network of contacts, customers, and clients. It’s easy to see how … Continue reading

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